Monday, September 3, 2007

Day 1: Diving In

Today was my first day of teaching. The other teachers recommended that I just try to make it through the day, that the first day was a good day to get to know your students, and that not too much was expected. My students, by and large, are amazingly cute little buggers, and very smart. Two or three of them are reasonably hyperactive, and don't like to sit still at all. Can't really blame them, personally: they're five-year-olds, and there are so many more exciting things to do than just sitting listening to some 20-something guy blather on. Getting them to sit still (which frequently requires stern talking and threats 0f time-outs is frustrating both because it's difficult, and also because I feel bad for stifling their energy. It's so much fun being that young, and being made to sit still can really suck the joy out of it.

Ah well, I'm kinda stuck in the system this (and most) society subscribes to, so I'll make 'em sit down and shut up. Plus, I can't really teach the rest of them if two are three are jumping around and carrying on.

Anyway, the first day wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I made it all the way through, never really entertained even the fantasy of quitting, and did better than the British guy who was at training with me on Friday, who stopped by the school in the morning, left "for a few minutes", and never came back. Whoops! Quitting before even meeting the kids is pretty hardcore.

I'm gonna head to bed soon, to do it all again tomorrow, hopefully a little more smoothly than today. Today wasn't horrible, but it wasn't much better than adequate, and I know I can beat that!

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