Friday, July 25, 2008


Things fall apart, or so they say. I won't be heading out to Bali after all, and Marina won't be coming out to visit. Oh well. So it goes, right?

I haven't decided for sure whether this means I'll be returning prematurely. I'm leaning towards a short trip or two within Taiwan before flying home at the end of August to spend a couple weeks in the States visiting friends and family and generally catching up. Frankly, that sounds wonderful.

School has been going well. It's dawned on me that in a bare few weeks I will have taught Kindergarten for a year. That is, I will have been responsible for the education of 8 kids for an entire year. Unimaginable, 14 months ago. Easy, now. I could even do it again, if I had to. Hah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please come visit me or else I will be a sad, sad monkey.