Friday, August 31, 2007

A picture (more on flickr)

Left is our bar, complete with the wine glasses that were the prior occupants of our apartment, along with two empty (but awesome) bottles, and the then-small collection of Booze Cats (we now have four). Katherine's computer joins our two AC remotes (!) in lounging about.

The apartment remains Spartan, but tomorrow is a day to get a couch, some chairs, possibly an additional table, and likely some more cushions for butts. 

In non-accommodation related news, I had my teacher orientation today. It was calming and helpful, and I came away with many good ideas, and an even greater appreciation for how disorganized my particular school is at this moment. I hope to maintain a well-organized class, because otherwise I will be overwhelmed as all hell.

Today was the first rain storm while I was here, as well, but I was stuck inside for it, regrettably. My weather widget calls for thunderstorms on Monday, though, which is as exciting as it gets. I shall have to purchase an umbrella this weekend. In this town, jackets are for the mad and the natives. It's 10:45 in the evening, and still 80 degrees and just a shade short of rain. So humid your clothing wilts. I love it. Aircon makes it sleeping weather, though. Without my insulated bubble of modernity, I would probably be sleepless.

I need to do many things in the coming days, but the two biggest are do some more creative writing (it's been some time, now), and take more photos. I'd love to have some decent street photos to display, and the graffiti here is something else, when you can find it. Rare, but oh-so-worth it.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Setting up house is proving to be expensive. Very expensive. I'm worried about money, and that's frustrating. I'll be all right, I have plenty set aside, but I'd like to be able to leave here with more than I came with, if possible. Things should get easier (read: cheaper) once we have a kettle to boil water, some furniture, a TV, and monthly internet (instead of paid daily internet on one computer that's really difficult to set up). Things should also get easier when I start getting monthly paychecks.

Our apartment is glorious, if still rather spartan. We're getting a couch on Saturday, though, and we've been on the lookout for floor cushions and a table. At least we have awesome wood floors.

The apartment's name: CATS Booze Club, after a set of vending machine toys we saw outside a 7-11. Six inebriated cats, sitting around on sofas and chairs. We have three of them so far, and are working on completing the set before the machine runs out.

Pictures will have to remain forthcoming until I have internet that I can use on my computer (as opposed to Katherine's).

Monday, August 27, 2007


Apartment obtained! Pictures to follow when convenient. The place is 1) gorgeous; 2) HUGE; 3) possessed of an excellent location; and 4) really damn cheap. I mean, damn, what a find!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Impacts leave impressions

Last night I was scared of this place, 'cause it was big and different. After a day of walking around with Martin, Katherine, and Dora, it feels less foreign, more accessible. My Chinese has atrophied quite a bit, but I find I understand more than I expected to, and my halting speech has the feel of a skill that will improve quickly with practice.

I'm still a bit scared of teaching kids (What the hell am I doing? I don't know the first thing about teaching a classroom full of kids?!), but I'm looking forward to it too, somewhat perversely. I have the feeling it will be the sort of situation in which I am used to panicking and relinquishing control (like when I tried to lead a tour of 24 people earlier this summer), only I won't have the option this time. If it's hard, I can't let someone else take over for me, I have to stick to it until I get it right.

I relish the opportunity to develop that kind of strength.


So now I'm in Taipei. Haven't seen much yet, just what I could see through the night-haze on the drive from the airport to the hotel. I'm distressingly awake after no sleep (and it's late here). There's thunder in the distance, and the sirens here are different.

I have to admit that I feel a little bit overwhelmed, but I'm gonna go out and explore tomorrow and see if I can't make this place feel a little smaller!