Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Setting up house is proving to be expensive. Very expensive. I'm worried about money, and that's frustrating. I'll be all right, I have plenty set aside, but I'd like to be able to leave here with more than I came with, if possible. Things should get easier (read: cheaper) once we have a kettle to boil water, some furniture, a TV, and monthly internet (instead of paid daily internet on one computer that's really difficult to set up). Things should also get easier when I start getting monthly paychecks.

Our apartment is glorious, if still rather spartan. We're getting a couch on Saturday, though, and we've been on the lookout for floor cushions and a table. At least we have awesome wood floors.

The apartment's name: CATS Booze Club, after a set of vending machine toys we saw outside a 7-11. Six inebriated cats, sitting around on sofas and chairs. We have three of them so far, and are working on completing the set before the machine runs out.

Pictures will have to remain forthcoming until I have internet that I can use on my computer (as opposed to Katherine's).

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