Monday, September 17, 2007

Healthy, [not] wealthy, and wise

Judith is flying out tomorrow (wave goodbye, Judith!), and Typhoon Wipha is flying in. Hopefully it won't get too messy here, but I'm considering battening down the hatches just in case. My flu is gone, and this weekend saw me driving a scooter with Judith to Taroko Gorge. The pictures are up on Facebook, and will hopefully be added to my flickr page at some point. It is astoundingly beautiful there, and scooters are awesome. The end. Oh, also, I'm still waiting to get some money from work so I can stop completely destroying my bank account. Eek.

Edit: It's tomorrow now, and it's my very first paid typhoon day. So cool! Snow days can go melt themselves!


Judith said...
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Judith said...
