Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sleeping in

I've forgotten how to sleep in. Staying up late and waking up early are my norms now. Even if I'm up until 2 or 3 in the morning on a weekend night, my body is programmed to wake up not later than 8:30 at the very latest. It's funny how a couple of panicked mornings can set such a tough rule to override.

I spent my Saturday running a quick errand or two, watching a movie, and napping for a couple of hours. Then I went to a night market in the evening and learned that my ass is too big for Taiwanese fashion to handle. My pants size here is XXL or XXXL, depending on the cut. That said, I did wind up finding some awesome, cheap clothing that does fit. Pride: damaged. Bank account: intact. Two pair of shorts for 100 NT each (about 3 USD) is something to be happy about.

Weekends have changed from "Go out exploring!" times to "Recover from the work week!" times.

Exciting news for the coming week: I'm going on a field trip with the school to a theme park, and at one point I will be paid to spend 45 minutes doing bumper cars with the little rugrats. I will bring my camera. Superb.

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