Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Steppin along

I used the last of my putative food money for the month on new running shoes yesterday. My exercise regimen had essentially disintegrated, and I was feeling crappy physically and emotionally, so I went and spent money. What a good little consumer!

I went for a run through DaAn park tonight, though, and realized that even though I am pretty out of shape (could only go for 15 minutes before I had to walk a bit), it won't take too long to get it back, if I'm consistent. Plus, the park is really pretty, and there are tons of people doing Tai Chi and Qi Gong, which are both lovely to run past. Very cinematic.

Work kinda sucks, to be honest. I've already come to the conclusion that unless something changes at work I'll be leaving in February, either to teach middle schoolers in the afternoon, or to quit teaching entirely in favor of traveling and living off whatever I can save between now and then. The thing is, though, I don't even know if I can make it to February. I'm going to try my best, though.

I really like Taipei. It's an amazing city full of interesting people and beautiful sights. I wish I had a marketable skill here besides my English abilities. I'd love to live here working in some other capacity.

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