Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Bali and changes at work

Bali was a good trip. I got to see some beautiful beaches, temples, forests, and classic terraced hillsides. I met some really cool people. I got to hang out with folks I now consider to be good friends. There was sunshine, there was rain. I even got to surf and boogie-board. I got to face down a storm, I fell off a bicycle (three times). I returned to a very cold (comparatively, anyway), very grey city that, in some ways, I missed quite a bit.

Also, my awful, incompetent manager got fired, and has been replaced by someone who seems to be genuinely good at her job. I'm hoping that this will make the last two months of my time at Jumpstart much more pleasant and agreeable.

Now I just need to start looking for a new way to pay the bills.

Pictures from Bali will be up on flickr soon, if all goes as planned.

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