Monday, June 30, 2008


I lost my first kid this week: Will, who used to be named Pewitt. He was a hellion in the beginning, but got much better until the end of the first semester. At the beginning of the second semester he was having a rough time, not paying attention, dozing off. In the last few weeks before he got yanked from my class he was doing tons better, finishing his work early, engaging the material.

Personality-wise, Will was probably my favorite. He never took things personally, which made him hard to discipline, but also meant that he pretty much always had a smile on his face. How can you argue with that?

He disappeared from class a week and a half ago, and we got confirmation today that his mom doesn't want him to attend our school anymore, and that's final. She's crazy, in a bad way, but there's not much we can do about it.

I miss him, and wish that I had had the chance to say goodbye. At least I'll get to say a proper farewell to the rest. Still, I feel like I got the most accomplished with Will. He really turned over a new leaf in class, after being maybe the worst behaved kid in the school for the last three years.

Oh well. What is there to be done?

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