Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Your latest news from around the globe

After a couple of months of long periods of inactivity with occasional bursts of effort, I have completed my latest model. Martin is much, much better at this than I am, but I'm still proud of what I've put together.
Now to start on the next one!

In other news, I've been thinking a lot about cultural exhaustion, lately. Maybe it's delayed-action culture shock, or maybe I'm just tired, but lately I've really been missing a lot of the comforting things I took for granted about living in the states. Being able to read the signs comes readily to mind. Understanding conversations as I walk through a city. Getting cultural references. It seems like the effort of staying mentally active in a place that encourages me to be lazy is starting to get to me.

I'm tired. I'm almost (almost!) ready to go home.

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