Thursday, December 6, 2007

Decision time

Well, work has been hell the past couple of weeks, and I'm really beginning to look seriously for alternative methods of living in this country for a while longer. I'm not yet ready to leave, but I'm certainly not willing to spend another 8 months working here. I'm going to look into the paperwork necessary for quitting my job this evening, with the intent to give my notice next week. I'll stick out the semester, and then move along.

Other options right now: find a half-time job for the spring semester working at another school (or even this school, if they are interested in keeping me on for half-time work); find a way to get scholarship money to attend ShiDa University next semester to work on my Chinese; live off savings and the generosity of my parents, who have set aside some money for me if I choose to take it; go home (or to Hawaii, or Portland).

I need to sit down and think all these options through to their thrilling conclusions, and decide which one makes the most sense.


audiofawx said...

kudos to you for making it this long.

Ben said...

Thanks! Not done yet, either...