Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Last weekend I went to Wulai with Martin and Katherine, and it was lovely. There was hiking, there were waterfalls, there was mountain pig, there were butterflies. And there was a giant spider, chilling out seemingly in mid-air. I got to dip my feet in some lovely, cold spring water, and I got a good dose of fresh air. Pictures are up on flickr.

In other news, I turned in my resignation letter on Monday. The idea right now is to stick out the semester at the school which is my current employer, and then switch to a half-time job at another school. I really like teaching kindergarten, I've decided, except that teaching it full time is utterly exhausting, and doesn't leave me enough personal time for the things I want to do right now. So what makes the most sense is to switch to half-time and stick around here in Taiwan.

Plus, I really like Taiwan so far. The people are friendly, attractive, outdoorsy. The culture is shallow, but still engaging. The markets are amazing. It's really cheap. The countryside is freakin' amazing. There's a lot here for me right now (with the glaring exception being the friends I miss so dearly).

I'm gonna get out again on Saturday, I hope. Tomorrow I'll page through my guidebook again and see which destination makes the most sense. Then I'll take a train there Friday afternoon and explore on Saturday before returning Saturday night. Should be fun!

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