Saturday, December 22, 2007

Outward bound

Off to Bali tomorrow. Christmas show was tonight. Pictures will probably crop up on the kids' picture site in the next week or so. Dunno how much computer access I'll have in Bali, but there will be a post and pictures when I get back for those who choose to live vicariously through such a sporadically and sparsely updated log.

Much holiday love to you all!

Tipsily (post-Christmas show party...),

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Ben!
Hoping Bali is sensational, hope you're having a ball! We are all certainly envious of the warm sand beneath your toes, the clear warm waters, the vibrant colors of the Bali-scape..
We miss you.. especially on this cold crystal clear Christmas morning...
Shadow, all of we, and the rest of your 50+ clan...
Take Pictures!!!!